延边大学工学院 延边大学工学院官网

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延边大学工学院 延边大学工学院官网

综合类 211工程 双一流 公办 普通本科

延边大学(Yanbian University)简称延大,地处吉林省延边朝鲜族自治州延吉市,是国家“世界一流学科建设高校”、国家“211工程”重点建设大学、西部开发重点建设院校、吉林省人民政府和教育部共同重点支持建设大学、吉林省人民政府和国家民委共同重点支持建设大学,入选中西部高校基础能力建设工程、国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目、卓越医生教育培养计划、卓越农林人才教育培养计划、“111计划”、中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校、国务院侨办华文教育基地,为教育部《1+2+1中美人才培养计划》双学位项目成员单位,由南开大学对口支援延边大学。


Yanbian university

Comprehensive 211 Project Double First-class Public Common Undergraduate

Yanbian University is located in Yanji City, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Jilin Province. It is a national "World First-Class Discipline Construction University", a national "211 Project" key construction university, a key construction university for the development of western China, a university jointly supported by the People's Government of Jilin Province and the Ministry of Education, and a university jointly supported by the People's Government of Jilin Province and the State Ethnic Affairs Commission. It has been selected as one of the central and western universities' basic ability construction projects, national high-level university government-sponsored graduate program, excellent doctor education and training plan, excellent agricultural and forestry talents education and training plan, "111 plan", host institutions of Chinese government scholarship for overseas students, Chinese language education base of Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council. It is a member of the "1+2+1 Sino-US Talent Training Program" of the Ministry of Education, and is supported by Nankai University to Yanbian University.

Founded in 1949, the school was once affiliated to the Ministry of Higher Education of the State Council. In 1957, it was put under the jurisdiction of Jilin Province. In August 1958, Yanbian University was divided into Yanbian University, Yanbian Medical College, Yanbian Agricultural College and Yanbian Institute of Technology. In 1996, with the approval of the former State Education Commission, the former Yanbian University, Yanbian Medical College, Yanbian Agricultural College, Yanbian Teachers College, and Yanbian Branch of Jilin Art College merged to form the new Yanbian University. In September of the same year, Yanbian University of Science and Technology (Preparatory), a Chinese-foreign cooperative school, was merged into Yanbian University.

标签: 延边大学工学院