甘肃天水师范学院 甘肃天水师范学院是一本还是二本

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甘肃天水师范学院 甘肃天水师范学院是一本还是二本

师范类 公办 普通本科

天水师范学院(Tianshui Normal University)位于甘肃省天水市,是省属普[1]通本科院校、甘肃省首批应用技术型大学转型发展试点院校。 学校2000年由天水师范高等专科学校升格为天水师范学院,开始本科招生。2007年5月通过教育部本科教学工作水平评估。2011年10月,被教育部列为培养教育硕士专业学位研究生试点工作建设单位,2013年开始招生培养教育硕士。2015年,被甘肃省列为首批转型发展试点院校。 截至2018年3月,学校占地670亩;开设17个二级学院、54个本科专业;国家级特色专业2个,省级特色专业9个;1个教育硕士专业学位授权点;2个甘肃省一流特色培育学科;2个省级重点建设学科;教职工近900人;有各类在校生16500多人。

Tianshui Normal University

Normal public ordinary undergraduate course

Tianshui Normal University (Tianshui Normal University) is located in Tianshui City, Gansu Province. It is a provincial general undergraduate college and one of the first experimental colleges in the transformation and development of application-oriented universities in Gansu Province. In 2000, Tianshui Normal College was upgraded from Tianshui Normal College to Tianshui Normal College and began to recruit undergraduate students. In May 2007, it passed the evaluation of undergraduate teaching work by the Ministry of Education. In October 2011, it was listed as the pilot construction unit for training professional master's degree graduates by the Ministry of Education. In 2013, it began to recruit students and train master's degree students. In 2015, Gansu Province was listed as the first batch of transformation and development pilot universities. As of March 2018, the school covers an area of 670 mu; It has 17 secondary colleges and 54 undergraduate programs. There are 2 national characteristic majors and 9 provincial characteristic majors. 1 professional education master degree authorization center; 2 first-class characteristic cultivation disciplines in Gansu Province; 2 provincial key construction disciplines; There are nearly 900 faculty members; There are more than 16500 students in the university.

标签: 甘肃天水师范学院