民用航空飞行学院 民用航空飞行学院是几本

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民用航空飞行学院 民用航空飞行学院是几本

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中国民用航空飞行学院(简称中飞院,CAFUC),于1956年始建,坐落于四川省广汉市,中央部属高校,是全球规模最大的以飞行训练为主的学校,被誉为中国民航飞行员的“摇篮”、中国民航管理干部的“黄埔”。其前身为中国民用航空局航空学校,1987年更名为中国民用航空飞行学院。 该校建校以来,已为中国民航培养了70%的飞行员、80%的机长、90%的功勋飞行员和100%的特级飞行员,入选联合国重点推广的“MPL”课程试点单位、四川省“双一流”建设计划。根据2015年4月官网显示,学校占地17000多亩,建筑面积150多万平方米;固定资产总值超过90亿元(不含土地资产值),其中教学仪器设备总值62亿元;馆藏图书超过100万册、电子图书超过300万册、国内外数据库33个;有教职员工3300人,其中,具有高级职称的教师400余人,有博士、硕士学位的中青年教师占教师总数的75%以上;下设10个教学系部,开设有20个本科专业、6个专科专业。

Civil Aviation Flight College of China

Public ordinary undergraduate course of science and technology

Civil Aviation Flight College of China (CAFUC), founded in 1956, is located in Guanghan City, Sichuan Province. It is a university affiliated to the central government. It is the world's largest school focusing on flight training, known as the "Cradle" of Chinese civil aviation pilots and the "Huangpu" of Chinese civil aviation management cadres. It was formerly known as the Aviation School of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, and was renamed the Civil Aviation Flight College of China in 1987. Since its establishment, the school has trained 70% of the pilots, 80% of the captains, 90% of the meritorious pilots and 100% of the superclass pilots for CAAC, and has been selected as the pilot unit of "MPL" course promoted by the United Nations and the "Double First Class" construction plan of Sichuan Province. According to the official website of April 2015, the university covers an area of more than 17,000 mu, with a building area of more than 1.5 million square meters. The total value of fixed assets exceeds 9 billion yuan (excluding the value of land assets), including 6.2 billion yuan of teaching instruments and equipment; The library has more than 1 million books, more than 3 million electronic books, and 33 domestic and foreign databases. There are 3300 faculty and staff, among which 400 are with senior professional titles. Young and middle-aged teachers with doctor's or master's degrees account for more than 75% of the total number of teachers. It has 10 teaching departments, offering 20 undergraduate majors and 6 junior college majors.

标签: 民用航空飞行学院