重阳节的英文翻译是:Double Ninth Festival。重阳节是我国传统节日之一,在每年的九月初九,因为读音和“久久”不谋而合,所以也被人们赋予了长寿的含义,在1989年的时候更是被定为“敬老节”,告诫人们要多关心身边的老人。相关内容大家接着往下看吧。
重阳节的英文翻译是:Double Ninth Festival
The double ninth festival, the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, is known as the "double ninth", which is also known as the "double ninth", which is also known as the "climbing festival". There are also nine, dogwood, chrysanthemum festival and so on. Since September 9th "jiujiu" homophone is "long", there is permanent meaning, so often on this day ancestor worship and implementation of the old activities. The double ninth festival is also the fourth festival of Chinese traditional festivals. On December 28, 2012, the law is clear on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month.
标签: 重阳节是几月几号英文怎么写