
微雨 498

中国人民解放军陆军步兵学院(陆军步兵学院、南昌陆院,The Army Infantry Academy of PLA),成立于2017年,坐落于江西省南昌市,是全军重点建设院校,隶属于中国人民解放军陆军,学院主要承担陆军步兵初级指挥军官、合成营参谋军官等培养任务,素有“将军摇篮”的美誉。 2017年,中国人民解放军陆军步兵学院由南昌陆军学院(校本部)和石家庄机械化步兵学院(石家庄校区)合并组建而成,是全军26所面向普通高中毕业生招收学员的军校之一,先后9次参加国庆阅兵。

Army Infantry College of the Chinese People's Liberation Army

Institute of The Chinese people's liberation Army (PLA) Army Infantry (Lu Yuan Army Infantry school, nanchang, and The Army Infantry Academy of PLA), founded in 2017, is located in nanchang city, jiangxi province is The key construction universities and colleges, and China's people's liberation Army (PLA) Army, Army Infantry junior college undertakes The commanding officer, synthetic camp staff officer training mission, known as The "general cradle" of reputation. In 2017, the PLA Army Infantry College was merged from Nanchang Army College (the main campus) and Shijiazhuang Mechanized Infantry College (Shijiazhuang campus). It is one of 26 military schools in the PLA that recruit students for regular high school graduates. It has participated in the National Day parade nine times.

标签: 南昌陆军学院