云南司法警官职业学院 云南司法警官职业学院官网

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云南司法警官职业学院 云南司法警官职业学院官网

政法类 公办 专科(高职)

云南司法警官职业学院始建于1980年,是一所省属政法类全日制警察高等院校,办学规格为高等职业教育大学专科层次,其前身是云南省第二公安学校和云南省司法警官学校。 学院主要为监狱、劳教机关和公安监所管理部门培养输送具备一定法律素养和警察技能的适应执法、管理需要的应用型职业警官,同时也为其他社会用人单位培养合格的高等法律专门人才。

Yunnan Judicial Police Vocational College

Public College of Politics and Law (Higher Vocational College)

Yunnan Judicial Police Vocational College was founded in 1980. It is a provincial full-time police college of higher education in politics and law. Its specification is junior college level of higher vocational education, and its predecessor is the Second Public Security School of Yunnan Province and the Judicial Police School of Yunnan Province. The college mainly trains applied professional police officers with certain legal literacy and police skills to meet the needs of law enforcement and management for the administrative departments of prisons, reeducation through labor institutions and public security prisons, and also trains qualified higher legal professionals for other social employers.

标签: 云南司法警官职业学院