武汉理工大学是985还是211大学 武汉理工大学是985还是211大学排名

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武汉理工大学是985还是211大学 武汉理工大学是985还是211大学排名

理工类 211工程 双一流 公办 普通本科

武汉理工大学(武汉理工,Wuhan University of Technology),于2000年5月27日始建,坐落于湖北省武汉市,由原武汉工业大学、武汉交通科技大学、武汉汽车工业大学合并组建,是首批列入国家“211工程”重点建设的教育部直属全国重点大学,首批列入世界一流学科建设高校,教育部和交通运输部、国家国防科技工业局共建高校。 该校入选985工程优势学科创新平台、111计划、卓越工程师教育培养计划、国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目、国家大学生创新性实验计划、新工科研究与实践项目、中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校、国家大学生文化素质教育基地。 武汉工业大学起源于1948年的中国人民解放军东北军区军工部工业专门学校,历经调整、合并等演进和发展,1985年更名为武汉工业大学,1998年由原国家建筑材料工业局所属划转为教育部主管。武汉交通科技大学起源于1946年的国立海事职业学校,历经调整、合并等演进和发展,1993年更名为武汉交通科技大学,隶属原交通部。

Wuhan University of Technology

Double first-class public undergraduate program of 211 project of science and engineering

Wuhan University of Technology (Wuhan University of Technology), founded on May 27, 2000, is located in Wuhan City, Hubei Province. It was formed by the merger of the former Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan University of Communications and Technology, and Wuhan University of Automotive Technology. It is one of the first group of national key universities directly under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education and listed in the national "Project 211". It is also one of the first group of universities with world-class disciplines and is co-sponsored by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Transport and the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence. The selected project 985 advantage discipline education innovation platform, 111 project, outstanding engineers training plan, national construction under high level university graduate program, the national college students' innovative experiment plan, the new technical research and practice of project, the Chinese government scholarship students receiving institutions in China, the national college students' cultural quality education base. Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) was founded in 1948 as a special industrial school of the Military Industry Department of the Northeast Military Region of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA). It changed its name to Wuhan University of Technology in 1985. In 1998, it was transferred from the former subordinate of the State Administration of Building Materials Industry to the supervisor of the Ministry of Education. Founded in 1946 as the National Maritime Vocational School, Wuhan University of Communications and Technology was renamed Wuhan University of Communications and Technology in 1993, subordinated to the former Ministry of Communications.
